An Effective and Simple Eating Plan

People have a tendency to overcomplicate things.  I prefer simple, effective solutions to even the most complex issues.  Whereas every person is different and not everything works for everybody, eating clean is an effective way for most people to experience weight loss and other positive health effects.

Clean eating is eating whole foods that are as close to their natural states as possible and limiting or eliminating over-processed, pre-cooked, pre-packaged foods.

Whole foods are foods that nourish the body with vitamin, minerals, and nutrients rather than depleting the body’s stores of these items.  Whole foods include: fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and beans, healthy fats, and wild-caught fish and lean meats.  NOTE:If you are a pescatarian, vegetarian, or vegan, there are ways to ensure you get all of the essential amino acids your body needs to build healthy tissues and muscle without ingesting meat products.

To eat clean, eat whole foods that have not been de-germed and denatured by processing. Processing changes the structure and quality of foods and is mainly done to make food last longer and less attractive to insects and rodents.  The various methods used to prolong the shelf life of foods also destroys the living, life-giving components and digestive enzymes of foods. Digestive enzymes”predigest” foods in the stomach. This spares your body from over producing stomach acid and digestive enzymes in the pancreas in an attempt to break down the “dead” food.

Not all calories are the same! Clean eating is a simple method for improving your diet, losing weight, and enjoying better health.

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